Daniel Alohan

Daniel Alohan (he/him/his) is a PhD student in the Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health. His research focuses on utilizing intersectional and critical approaches to understand and address the social and structural determinants of sexual (e.g., PrEP uptake) and mental health inequities (e.g., PTSD), particularly among cisgender Black sexually minoritized men. Daniel is also deeply interested to employing a multi-level resilience-based approach to explore how racially and sexually minoritized groups thrive despite systemic oppression. His ultimate goal is to develop and implement community-driven, asset-based interventions aimed at improving health outcomes and advancing health equity. To achieve these objectives, he is actively working with the CORE lab to advance his skills in implementation science, advanced data analytics, and community-engaged research. He holds a Master of Public Health in Sociomedical Sciences with a certificate in Chronic Disease Epidemiology from Columbia University.